The world might feel like it’s falling apart around us, but fear not! I’ve been secretly plotting a tiny liberation! A soothing balm! An auditory antidote! A beacon of hope for human kind! Look, it’s actually none of those things. It’s actually a podcast. And it’s (probably) not going to save the world, but it WILL be a lot of fun.

Here’s the tea, sis.


Just Wondering is a podcast where I’ll be dedicating an entire season deep-diving into a single idea or topic that I’ve always been curious about. Possible topics include: Which font is the BEST font? How does a musician’s brain even work? Why are ASMR/slime/soap-cutting videos such a thing? You’ll get to listen to me interviewing experts* on each topic to debunk the mysteries, crack the cases and just learn more about ourselves and each other.

The first season is dropping on May 10th, 2020 (my dad’s birthday 😊), right here on this very page, and you can expect to hear a new episode every week afterward. I can also promise you’ll hear me occasionally laughing at my own jokes and periodically quoting lines from my favorite tv shows. So if you’re on board with that, then we’re gonna have some fun.

Also, I don’t think I’m like, in LOVE with the “a podcast for the eternally curious”** line, so that could change. But we’re rolling with it for now, okay? Don’t you know there’s a pandemic going on?

Thank you for, at the very least, being curious about this. I’m not going to pretend that I know exactly what I’m doing, but let’s see where this goes…

🌱♥ ya girl, Ali B.


* Full disclosure, these experts might also be my friends. Who are all totally brilliant. So either way, you win!

** Look, I just LOVE a sub-title. Sub-header? And if there’s alliteration? 😗👌 ~chef’s kiss