Episode 06 - Art is Trial and Error with Reina Takahashi

Reina Takahashi is a paper artist is is responsible for some of the most delightful work I've ever observed. There is something about paper art that really makes people respond to it in a way that they wouldn't to any other medium. It feels friendly, playful and incredibly clever.


How does one discover that you can be a paper artist? This is the question that I had top of mind when I recorded this conversation with my friend and paper artist, Reina Takahashi. In observing her art of the years, I have noticed that there is something about paper art that really makes people respond to it in a way that they wouldn't to any other medium. It feels friendly, playful and incredibly clever. Maybe it taps into the construction paper days that many of us experienced as children. Maybe it’s that every work of cut paper is a tiny engineering feat. Maybe it’s just that it’s really fucking cool.

Whatever the reason, Reina is just out here, creating some of the most delightful work I’ve ever observed, and I wanna know more! In this episode, we talk about saying yes to projects before you might be ready for them, why giving yourself constraints can actually be better for the creative process, and how we are both united by our love for food-themed projects.